
Tag: social equity

Utopias: A Successful Investment Plan for Cities' Poorest Hoods

Starting the New Year off with an inspirational article in the Guardian about Mexico City's mayor, Clara Brugada, and her successful strategy of building spaces called "Utopias" in the poorest and most outskirt neighborhoods in the city.

Not only have the Utopias helped the poor, they have reduced crime, including murder.

At Bloomberg Citylab, a conference on urban innovation in October, she told hundreds of fellow city leaders: “One of the great objectives we have is that the peripheries of Mexico City are no longer synonymous with inequality and abandonment but that the peripheries are the new city centres.”

Mayor Brugada used the Utopia built in Iztapalapa, which is Mexico City's poorest and most populated neighborhood, and her home town, as an example in the presentation. [More...]

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