
Tag: Emmys 2011

The Emmys: Off to a Slow Start, Goes Downhill From There

Update: Worst and most boring Emmys I've ever seen. I'm switching to watch the new episode of Breaking Bad.

What a lame opening to the Emmys. I don't like Glee and I sure don't want to watch Jane Lynch for 2 hours. Did Julianne Margolies swallow too many Xanax? She's so subdued. And the top of her dress looks like a plastic cup.


First, the biggest question about the Emmys: Why are there no nominations for AMC's Breaking Bad? Simple answer, according to AMC: It was not eligible for this year's competition because it wasn't telecast during the Jun. 1, 2010-May 31, 2011 awards year. The first three seasons, AMC aired Breaking Bad in the Spring, which made it eligible for Emmy nominations the same year in which it aired. Next year, Breaking Bad will be eligible again because the fourth season premiered July 17. Also missing for the same reason, not airing new episodes during the eligibility season: Damages.[More...]

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