
Medical Marijuana Approved in R.I.

by Last Night in Little Rock

Medical marijuana was approved in Rhode Island today when the legislature overrode Governor Carcieri's veto, as reported this afternoon on NYTimes.com and the Providence Journal. The bill is here in .pdf format.

Rhode Island becomes the eleventh state to legalize medical marijuana, according to a NORML e-mail:

Rhode Island joins Alaska, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Maine, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Vermont, and Washington State in protecting sick and dying patients who find relief in medical marijuana.

Only three states have done it through the legislature. The other states have done it by initiative petition.

Update: FYI, the State of Oregon's website has information about its program here.

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  • Re: Medical Marijuana Approved in R.I. (none / 0) (#1)
    by Edger on Tue Jan 03, 2006 at 08:26:16 PM EST
    I like the fact that this was done. I like the fact that it was done by the legislature I like that fact that they overrode the governors veto. Marijuana is relatively harmless, and socially benign. I've never seen anyone get obnoxious and start a fight while stoned. They're usually too busy doing more important things, like smiling and eating, or trying to relieve pain or symptoms of things like MS, or other diseases such as eardrums and braincells infected with too much bush bs. I don't think you'll see too many comments in this thread, because I think the general attitude of people who use marijuana towards laws against it's use is: So? You see, people will assume their freedoms for themselves, regardless of anyone trying to take them away. Freedom always wins, in the long run. Personally, I don't smoke it. But sometimes I wish more people did... Good for Rhode Island.

    Re: Medical Marijuana Approved in R.I. (none / 0) (#2)
    by BigTex on Tue Jan 03, 2006 at 10:43:23 PM EST
    How is legalized medical pot, here or in any other state, any different from the already legal THC in a pill? Is this simply a difference in form of intake, or are there medical differences between the two, outside of form?

    Re: Medical Marijuana Approved in R.I. (none / 0) (#3)
    by Edger on Wed Jan 04, 2006 at 05:09:11 AM EST
    Big Tex: Do you drink whisky or bourbon or scotch? Why not substitute straight wood alcohol? You get similar pysiological effects, except that straight alcohol is missing all the esters and flavors and sensual sublties that good scotch has. Comparing marijuana to pharmaceutical THC is an analogous comparison. The THC is only one of many components in marijuana that effect mood, perception, pain receptors, etc. And it doesn't burn worth a crap in your pipe either. Tastes like sh*t I imagine.

    Re: Medical Marijuana Approved in R.I. (none / 0) (#4)
    by SeeEmDee on Wed Jan 04, 2006 at 05:34:16 AM EST
    Big Tex, when looking at this you also have to consider something: the economics of it. THC in a pill (called Marinol) is extremely expensive compared to how cheap homegrown would be if re-legalized. But because it has the bureaucrat's stamp of approval you have to pay an artificially high price - a government price support, if you will - for the stuff. And you have to wonder, given all the stink of FDA wonks receiving 'honoraria' from Big Pharma companies earlier this year, what was paid to whom to break the FDA/NIDA/DEA deathgrip on researching cannabis products in this country. You can grow your own for pennies on the dollar after an initial investment in soil, fertilizer, etc....if it were legal for average people to grow. And that's what has the power behind the prohibitioinists sweating bullets...and funding cat's-paw anti-legalization groups like Drug Free America and similar fronts.

    Re: Medical Marijuana Approved in R.I. (none / 0) (#5)
    by kdog on Wed Jan 04, 2006 at 06:00:31 AM EST
    I have a friend with MS who did his research and would love to be able to give medical mj a shot. Unfortunately, his job does random drug testing and he isn't in the position to be out of work. It's crazy if you stop and think about it. The medicinal qualities of the plant are beyond dispute at this point...What exactly is the problem?

    Re: Medical Marijuana Approved in R.I. (none / 0) (#6)
    by Edger on Wed Jan 04, 2006 at 06:04:22 AM EST
    I had a friend die a coulpe of years ago from advanced MS complications. I his last 2 or 3 years it was nearly impossible for him to walk till after he smoked a couple of joints. It was the only way he could get motor nerve transmission working to any useful degree...

    Re: Medical Marijuana Approved in R.I. (none / 0) (#7)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Wed Jan 04, 2006 at 08:47:57 AM EST
    everyone knows R.I. is a hotbed of hippie pot smokers. now the feds can work on the east coast. too bad a person has to be close to death before they can benifit from freedom. wake up america!! your rights are under attack!

    Re: Medical Marijuana Approved in R.I. (none / 0) (#8)
    by Sailor on Wed Jan 04, 2006 at 02:53:24 PM EST
    Tex, there are many (dozens) of psychoactive ingredients in mj aside from THC. No one knows what ones or what combinations are the most effective because the research has been effectively halted by the gov't. And why make Everclear when corn does the trick? On a more personal note: Most long time readers know that my father wasted away because the meds killed his appetite. The disease was in complete remission, he died because, as weakened from the struggle as he was, he just couldn't make himself eat. When he was at home he enhanced his appetite with pot. We didn't/couldn't have that remedy at the hospital. Whether it would have prolonged his life or just made the exit easier only god knows. So Tex, make of that what you will, but it is not an uncommon story.

    Re: Medical Marijuana Approved in R.I. (none / 0) (#9)
    by sarcastic unnamed one on Wed Jan 04, 2006 at 03:12:06 PM EST
    Do you drink whisky or bourbon or scotch? Why not substitute straight wood alcohol? You get similar pysiological effects, except that straight alcohol is missing all the esters and flavors and sensual sublties that good scotch has.
    And why make Everclear when corn does the trick?
    Guys, we're still talking about medical MJ, right? If you continue to tout the sensory properties of MJ v. Marinol in a medical MJ discussion, you might could have those with an otherwise open mind thinking that you might possibly be thinking of abusing medical MJ laws to use MJ in a non-medical situation.

    Re: Medical Marijuana Approved in R.I. (none / 0) (#10)
    by Sailor on Wed Jan 04, 2006 at 03:56:50 PM EST
    Guys, we're still talking about medical MJ, right? If you continue to tout the sensory properties of MJ v. Marinol in a medical MJ discussion
    suo, it's not possible to separate the 'sensory' properties of any drug vs it's 'physical' properties. The mind does control the body. And even if it just makes people 'feel' better, and that allows them to eat, what's the difference? BTW, see 'anti-depressants.'

    Re: Medical Marijuana Approved in R.I. (none / 0) (#11)
    by sarcastic unnamed one on Wed Jan 04, 2006 at 04:27:43 PM EST
    Sailor, I think you missed my point. If you're making a case for the medicinal use of MJ - that there are compounds in the plant that have positive medical properties, which argument a reasonable person will probably accept - and in the same breath say that only way those compounds should/could be metabolized is through smoking MJ and getting high (which I thought was the point of your everclear/corn statement, correct me if I'm wrong) and not via extraction and manufacture into a pill, you might have otherwise open-minded folks who reasonably may conclude that you just want to get high and are using the med MJ argument to do it. I'm really just pointing out a possible/probable perception issue of your case, not attacking your case.

    Re: Medical Marijuana Approved in R.I. (none / 0) (#12)
    by Sailor on Wed Jan 04, 2006 at 06:12:12 PM EST
    suo, the point I was making was that the effects of mj are still not understood, and can't be until the gov't allows research to happen. and yes my Everclear/corn statement was accurate; why spend thousands distilling hard spirits if the plant that can grow wild in your backyard already has a better effect. But I think you knew that was my point. And frankly, if all my Dad wanted to do while he was dying was feel a bit better, I don't have a problem with that. And I don't see that the gov't has should have a right to hurt my Dad for a less than reason. You picked a very bad and personal topic to debate with me on this. I'm a bit emotional at teh moment. I'll respond further tommow.

    Re: Medical Marijuana Approved in R.I. (none / 0) (#13)
    by sarcastic unnamed one on Thu Jan 05, 2006 at 09:35:27 AM EST
    Sailor, don't sweat it, we don't need to continue. Hope all is well.