
"Who would catch a criminal, and then let him go free?"

by Last Night in Little Rock

For the last two days, I haven't been able to get this line from the movie The Ref (1994) out of my mind:

Connie Chasseur: Who would catch a criminal, and then let him go free?

Mary Chasseur: Republicans.

That's why Novak walked. Maybe, God willing, he's just a curmudgeonly snitch in a three piece suit.

"'I'm too old to go to jail,' whined the snitch.
Then you have to testify against your sources.
Where do I sign up?"

Judith Miller went to jail for a book deal because she pimped the war for her pals at the White House. That's not spine--that's just covering for the Republicans she was selling a war for. Oh yes, there's a mid-seven figure book deal.

Robert Novak didn't even have the spine to last through the first phone call from the Special Counsel without caving, me thinks. Good for you, Mr. Novak. We always knew you had what it takes to be a good Republican: No sense of personal responsibility, and "I'm not taking the fall for these idiots who got me here."

One thing about the human condition that never ceases to amaze me as a criminal defense lawyer: It it wasn't for the stupidity and venality of all humankind, guys like us wouldn't have a job.

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  • Re: "Who would catch a criminal, and then let him (none / 0) (#1)
    by aw on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:05:25 PM EST
    Judy Miller won't make a cent off me with her book.

    Re: "Who would catch a criminal, and then let him (none / 0) (#2)
    by squeaky on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:05:25 PM EST
    the profits should be made to pay restitution for the iraq war dead as a result of her WHIG conspired WMD (Woman of Mass Destructionl) stories that scared everyone to war.

    Re: "Who would catch a criminal, and then let him (none / 0) (#3)
    by merlallen on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:05:26 PM EST
    If she writes a book can the Son of Sam Law be used so she doesn't profit from her role in a crime?