
Loving Death

by TChris

Tim Kaine has promised Virginia voters that he'll allow executions to proceed if they elect him as their governor, despite his personal opposition to the death penalty. His opponent, Jerry Kilgore, also supports the death penalty.

And if you accept that both men are willing to support the death penalty, then what's at issue here is, which one will do it with enthusiasm? For supporters of capital punishment, you see, mere acquiescence is insufficient. Anything less than hard moral clarity opens the door on issues they'd rather not face.

One such issue: how can we be certain that an innocent accused isn't executed? Leonard Pitts Jr. argues that the question isn't academic: Virginia may already have executed an innocent man, Roger Coleman.

Given the possibility that an imperfect government might commit the ultimate injustice, how can conservatives (who claim to distrust the government) favor the death penalty? As Pitts notes, it's a question they prefer not to answer.

Because again, there are things death penalty proponents would rather not face. One is that capital punishment is not about truth. Rather, it is about the need to feel righteous and potent in the face of evil.

Coleman may or may not turn out to be the man who proves this point. But if he's not the one, it will be somebody. It's just a matter of time.

One wonders what will become of the illusion of moral clarity then. Will it survive its impending collision with truth? Or will we finally face the long-deferred indictment of conscience? You see, Virginia is asking the wrong question.

It's not whether Tim Kaine loves the death penalty too little. The question is whether we love it entirely too much.

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  • Re: Loving Death (none / 0) (#1)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:05:19 PM EST
    It's not Jerry Kilgore who is personally opposed to the death penalty. It's Tim Kaine, the democrat. Tim has said he will follow the law of Virginia and carry out any execution that is required by law. Jerry Kilgore loves executing people so much that I think he would like to pull the level, inject the poison, etc if he could.