
Bush to Consult Senate After Choice Made?

Reading between the lines, it sounds like President Bush is going to decide on his nominee for the Supreme Court and then disclose it to Democratic Senators. That's hardly what the Dems had in mind when they said they expect to be consulted about a possible Supreme Court replacement. Reuters reports:

Bush is expected to move quickly on the nomination after he returns from the Group of Eight summit in Scotland at the end of next week. Utah Republican Sen. Orrin Hatch said on CBS' "Face The Nation" he had spoken to Bush on Saturday and expected a nominee within a couple of days after Bush's return.

....Bush has invited Specter, Leahy, and Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist and Minority Leader Harry Reid to meet him on Friday to discuss the vacancy.

It doesn't sound like there will be any discussion, only an announcement by Bush to the Dems. Sen. Arlen Specter said today he'd like both sides to "tone down the rhetoric."

Not a chance.

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