
Join Us and Help Fight the New York Death Penalty

Even though TalkLeft is not located in New York, I grew up there, and feel very strongly that the state's death penalty, recently enacted and even more recently declared unconstitutional by the courts, should not be reintroduced. TalkLeft is proud to have been invited to be a "partner" of Network for Justice, a netroots campaign to keep the death penalty out of New York.

The New York State Assembly is holding a series of public hearings to determine what the people of New York want. Read Human Rights Watch's testimony here.

You can have an impact on this debate. You can be a partner too. Just go here and sign the petition. You will get your own network page. If you're from New York, your state reps in Albany will be notified. Then spread the goodness around.

The petition reads:

Keep the death penalty out of our state! The death penalty does not deter others from committing violent crimes nor does it bring closure to victims. It is ineffective and unjust, both discriminatory and wasteful of resources that should be used for crime prevention and victims' services. This issue is critical in determining fair and equal justice for all New York.

Founding partners of Network for Justice include: League of Women Voters of NYS, New Yorkers Against The Death Penalty, Andrew Cuomo, 1199 SEIU, Russell Simmons, Equal Justice USA, NYCLU, The Campaign to End the Death Penalty, Hip Hop Summit Action Network, Dr. Benjamin Chavis, Stuart Brody, and Councilman Bill de Blasio.

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  • So that's why you do so much New York blogging! Should have figured.