
Iraq to Reinstate the Death Penalty

It's semi-official. Once the U.S. turns power over to the Iraqi interim Government on June 30, the death penalty will be restored:

Justice Minister Malik Dohan al-Hassan today said: "The death penalty is suspended in Iraq, but with the return of sovereignty, nothing obliges us to maintain this suspension. "We want to reinstitute it for very specific cases." The death penalty was suspended in Iraq by then US Central Command chief General Tommy Franks in April last year, as the US-led coalition invaded the country and toppled Saddam's regime.

Saddam likely will not be happy to hear it. Especially because if Saddam were tried in an international court, there would be no death penalty. Here's an outline of the charges that are expected to be lodged against Saddam. Here are some excellent reasons why Saddam should be brought before an international tribunal.

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