
The Economic Downward Spiral: Will It Trigger Nostalgia For The Clinton Years?

By Big Tent Democrat

The American economy is spiralling downward. The latest convulsions on Wall Street are the big stories driving the news cycle. One consistent finding in the polling is that Hillary Clinton, no doubt benefitting from the economic performance of the country during her husband's Presidency, is favored on the issue of the economy.

In Pennsylvania, her advantage over Barack Obama is a whopping 26 points (60-34) on the economy. Besides other concerns in the Obama campaign, the reemergence of the economy at the top of the news becomes the latest concern, politically speaking. Of course I do not doubt both candidates are greatly concerned about the American economy. But there is no doubt that Clinton currently holds the public's confidence on that issue, while Obama has yet to gain it. The next five weeks could be bumpy for the Obama campaign, especially if the economy continues its tumble.

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