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More on Plea Deals in RoveGate

Rove may be "Official Source A," but we still don't know who told Novak about Valerie Plame. One likely explanation is that Novak's source is one of those who got a deal or received immunity from prosecution from Fitzgerald in exchange for cooperation in the investigation.

There are potentially several people in this category. I'll speculate as to a few: Karl Rove, Stephen Hadley, David Wurmser, John Hannah, Fred Fleitz and Ari Fleischer. The Seattle Times reported today that Wurmser and Hannah testified late in the process. It has previously been reported that both cooperated.

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Fitzgerald Statement Links and Blogger Coverage

Crooks and Liars has the video to Fitzgerald's press conference today.

The New York Times has the transcript.

I haven't had a chance yet to read other blogger's analysis. The Times has a wrap up. Don't miss Jane and Reddhed at Firedog Lake, Huffington Post, Kevin Drum, Just One Minute, Digby, Billmon, Think Progress, America Blog, Needlenose , Empty Wheel Josh Marshall and Daily Kos (like anyone needs reminding about the last two). I'll be reading all their reactions over the weekend.

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Official "A" as a Trial Witness for Libby

Official A is now identified as Karl Rove (see post below.) The Washington Post reports he could now be a witness against Lewis Libby.

I suspect that's one reason Karl Rove hasn't been charged. As I've speculated repeatedly, I think Rove has a deal. But, like most prosecutors, Fitzgerald isn't buying a pig in a poke. He wants to see how helpful Rove is in his trial testimony against Libby (and any future indictees) before agreeing either to give him a complete pass or ask the Court to give him probation if he pleads guilty.

If Rove has a deal in the works, I think it won't be finalized or made public until after he has finished cooperating. And that won't be until Libby's case is over. I still think Libby will never go to trial. It seems he has been intent on protecting Cheney, to the point of lying. His new lawyer may be able to work out a plea agreement that provides for a sentence reduction to an amount Libby can live with to spare Cheney from having to testify at his trial.

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"Official A" is Karl Rove

Raw Story and the Associated Press report that "Official A" (p. 8, par. 21 of Libby Indictment) is Karl Rove. The paragraph reads:

On or about July 10 or July 11, 2003, LIBBY spoke to a senior official in the White House (“Official A”) who advised LIBBY of a conversation Official A had earlier that week with columnist Robert Novak in which Wilson’s wife was discussed as a CIA employee involved in Wilson’s trip. LIBBY was advised by Official A that Novak would be writing a story about Wilson’s wife.

Read it closely. It doesn't say that Official A is Novak's source. It says he had a conversation with Novak in which it was discussed that Wilson's wife was a CIA employee and that Novak was going to write about it. It doesn't say whether Offical A told Novak about Plame's CIA employement or whether Novak gave Rove the information.

How is this inconsistent with what Rove's team has previously said he told the grand jury? This New York Times article provides one such instance:

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Russert and Libby and the Complaint About a Reporter

Tim Russert said today that Lewis Libby called him to complain about a reporter's comments on a cable show. He did not identify the reporter or the show.

In Lewis Libby's indictment, the Government charges:

On or about July 10, 2003, LIBBY spoke to NBC Washington Bureau Chief Tim Russert to complain about press coverage of LIBBY by an MSNBC reporter. LIBBY did not discuss Wilson’s wife with Russert. (page 7, Paragraph 20.)

I think I found the show transcript. It's Hardball for July 8, 2003. The reporter is Chris Matthews. It does sound like something Libby would complain about because Matthews keeps saying that the Vice President's office had the CIA send Joseph Wilson to Niger. I'll bet Libby was steaming. Here's the portion of the transcript (available on lexis.com):

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Memory is Not the Issue for Libby

Pete Wilson of NBC reports that Libby's lawyer believes this is a memory case, in other words, how could Libby be expected to remember all these conversations?

Very easily. He took copious notes. The International Herald Tribune February 11, 2004 (available on Lexis.com) reported:

One set of documents that prosecutors repeatedly referred to in their meetings with White House aides are extensive notes compiled by Lewis Libby, Vice President Dick Cheney's chief of staff and national security adviser. Prosecutors have described the notes as "copious," the lawyers said.

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Under Secretary of State : Marc Grossman?

Via Kevin Drum, Ryan Lizza of the New Republic says that the Under Secretary of State who told Libby that Joseph Wilson's wife worked for the CIA is Marc Grossman. Lizza says he confirmed this with Fitzgerald's spokesman today.

The Indictment says that the Under Secretary of State told Libby this on June 11 or 12, 2003. It was Grossman who asked for the infamous June 9th State Department memo.

What about Fred Fleitz or David Wurmser?

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Fitzgerald Won't Write a Report

by TChris

As TalkLeft and its Washington correspondent reported here, Fitzgerald has no authority to write a report.

Whatever we learn from Patrick Fitzgerald will come from court filings, court proceedings, and explanatory press conferences. Responding to an inquiry from Democratic congressmen, Fitzgerald said he lacks the authority to issue a report of his investigation, as did Ken Starr (pursuant to an independent counsel law that has since expired).

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Unanswered Questions

Update: Anyone want to take a stab at answering these:

  • Did Libby fall on his sword for Cheney? Will he go so far as to take a plea deal to prevent Cheney from being called as a witness in his trial? I don't think he knows the answer yet since he is changing or adding lawyers.
  • Did everyone else really get a pass or are they still cooperating and moved to Phase Two?
  • Is Rove really under investigation or is he just helping them nab others in Phase Two. I think Rove gives them the conspiracy charge they would love to bring. Meaning, Rove sat in on the White House Iraq Group meetings. Is he going to tell Fitzgerald that Hadley, Cheney, Libby and the rest met and decided to use Wilson's wife who worked for the CIA to discredit Wilson and his findings?

I'm still puzzled why the media doesn't seem to understand there is always a grand jury sitting. It's not a question of whether Fitz asks to convene a new one. The question is whether he will ask one of those now sitting to take over the case - and it's pretty clear to me from his press conference today that he will.

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Joseph Wilson's Statement

Here is Joseph Wilson's statement on the Indictment. Nothing much there.

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Fitzgerald Speaks

Here is Fitzgerald's latest press release (pdf)explaining the Indictment.

Live blogging Fitzgerald's statement:

Valerie Plame's neighbors, friends and classmates had no idea she worked for the CIA. Her cover was blown with Novak's column.

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Where Are the Plea Agreements?

Only Libby was indicted. Does he have a plea deal? Where are the plea agreements Fitz made with the others? He will have a press conference in 15 minutes (2PM ET). Will he discuss them?

Will the investigation be turned over to a new grand jury?

Stay tuned.

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