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The New Sally Quinns

I would be embarrassed if my name were attached to this story. Just when you thought the Beltway Media could not be less dignified or relevant, the Politico's John Harris and Marin Cogan prove that wrong.

The inanity and vacuousness of the Beltway is truly stunning.

Let's make this an Open Thread so that an interesting discussion might arise.

Speaking for me only

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Helen Thomas Retires From Hearst Publications

Bump and Update: Helen Thomas has retired from Hearst Publications.


Original Post: Agency Drops Helen Thomas For Israel Remarks

Via Politico, Helen Thomas' agency, Nine Speakers, has dropped her as a client due to her recent remarks on Israel.

It is with a heavy heart that Nine Speakers, Inc. announces its resignation as the agent for Helen Thomas, Dean of the White House Press Corps.

Ms. Thomas has had an esteemed career as a journalist, and she has been a trailblazer for women, helping others in her profession, and beyond. However, in light of recent events, Nine Speakers is no longer able to represent Ms. Thomas, nor can we condone her comments on the Middle East. Nine Speakers will continue to enthusiastically represent all of our other current and future clients.

At least one of their other clients, Craig Crawford, says the agency made the right decision. Others highly critical of Thomas: Lanny Davis and Ari Fleischer. [More...]

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Blogger Nate Silver to Move to NY Times

Congrats to Nate Silver of FiveThirtyEight. He just inked a three year licensing deal with the New York Times. FiveThirtyEight will be "folded into" The Times, but Nate will remain in control of the content. He'll also be writing for the paper and the Sunday magazine.

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AT&T to End Unlimited Use Pricing Plan

There's lots of attention being paid to AT&T's decision to end unlimited use plans for internet data on phones and pda's and the iPad.

It's set to go into effect around June 7 when Apple announces the new iPhone. But, if you have a plan before Monday, you'll be able to keep renewing, at least for a while.

Current subscribers will be able to keep their $30-per-month unlimited plans, even if they renew their contracts. But starting Monday, new customers will have to choose one of two new data plans for all smartphones, including iPhones and BlackBerrys.

So if you've been waiting before signing up for the unlimited plan, this week is the week to do it or the option is gone. The other phone companies are expected to follow AT&T's lead.

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R.I.P. Dennis Hopper

Dennis Hopper, 74, has lost his battle with cancer. RIP.

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Late Night: There's a Place Called Kokomo

73 people died in Jamaica this week as the Government searched for alleged drug trafficker Christopher "Dudus" Coke, whom the U.S. wants to extradite. Jamaican Prime Minister Bruce Golding is facing heavy criticism for the bloodshed.

Coke continues to elude authorities. Is he even in Jamaica? How about Bermuda, Aruba, Antigua, Martinique, Montserrat, Mustique, the Bahamas or....Kokomo.

The song, from the 1988 movie "Cocktail" was the Beach Boys best selling song ever.

This is an open thread, all topics welcome.

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Extreme In The Beltway

[C]razy, kooky, extreme actions are perpetrated by establishment centrists far more often than by marginalized libertarians. -Conor Friedersdorf

Conor Friedersdorf writes:

Forced to name the “craziest” policy favored by American politicians, I’d say the multibillion-dollar war on drugs, which no one thinks is winnable. Asked about the most “extreme,” I’d cite the invasion of Iraq, a war of choice that has cost many billions of dollars and countless innocent lives. The “kookiest” policy is arguably farm subsidies for corn, sugar, and tobacco—products that people ought to consume less, not more.

Friedersdorf is discussing the mindlessness of the Beltway, with its acceptance of the views of Very Serious People as non-kooky while pretending that Rand Paul's views are nuts. (To be clear, Paul's views are indeed nuts, imo. But they also are, for the most part, the views of the mainstream Republican Party.)

Perhaps the kookiest view pressed by the Very Serious People of the Beltway is the idea that we need to cut government spending in the midst of a jobs crisis and a stagnant economy on the precipice of a second recession dip. Meteor Blades explains:

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American Idol Finale: Live Thread

No spoilers on the winner in comments, please. The American Idol finale is just beginning here.

Crystal or Lee? I'm rooting for Crystal and I think she will win. It's also Simon Cowell's last night, I for one will miss him.

This is an American Idol live thread -- I hope I'm not the only one here who's watching.

Update 7:06: Whoever designed those plaid outfits should be fired. Alice Cooper is the first performer. He's hardly aged. I feel like I'm back in Ann Arbor in 1973. [More...]

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Facebook Revamps Privacy Settings

Facebook announced its new privacy features today. You can read more here. The changes seem to be generating praise.

Facebook has become so complicated and so perilous. About the only feature I use regularly is "send a private message." If I want to comment on what a friend wrote, I don't want every other friend getting a message on their page saying I commented on X's status or I like what X wrote or I wished X a happy birthday.

And while I like seeing what my friends put on their pages, I feel like a voyeur reading about who they became friends with, who they like or what they think about someone else's photos and postings. [More...]

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Tuesday Night Open Thread

For those of you not watching American Idol, there's also the finale for Dancing With the Stars (I lost interest weeks ago) and the Biggest Loser, and new episodes of The Good Wife and Justified.

There's also lots in the news to talk about today, so here's an open thread, all topics welcome.

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American Idol: Crystal or Lee?

Update: Crystal by miles. She soared. Text 5702. (Put "vote" in the message box.)You have four hours.

The final showdown on American Idol between Crystal Bowersox and Lee DeWyze begins tonight. The winner will be announced tomorrow night.

Who should win? Who will win? Will you vote?

I'm torn, Crystal and Lee are my two favorites of the season. From a talent only perspective, although I think Lee is great, I think Crystal should win. From the perspective of who fits better as the "next American Idol," I think Lee prevails. I guess I'll vote for both.

Simon and Randy think Lee will win. It's all viewer-vote determined though, so they may or may not be right. I think the young female vote will go to Lee, which could easily put him over the top. But Crystal's fanbase may come out of the woodwork, so who knows?

Speaking of Simon, these are his final shows. He's definitely been my favorite judge. While Paula's leaving didn't phase me, I'm having a hard time picturing AI without Simon.

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Monday Night TV and Open Thread

I'm still at work but the series finale to "24" is about to begin. This year wasn't the most exciting, but I'm sorry to see the show end.

Also tonight, The Bachelorette begins with Ali Fedotowski, who was one of the women competing for Jake on last season's Bachelor, meeting her 25 suitors. The season was filmed in LA, New York, Iceland, Turkey, Portugal and Tahiti, so at least the locations will be good. Ali's crying jags, indecisiveness and whimpering really wore on me last season. While she's attractive, I don't think she's particularly exciting, but I'm still going to give her another chance.

There's also the finale to DWTS and a new Nurse Jackie.

Here's an open thread, all topics welcome.

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