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Mr. "Center Right" Speaks: "Obama Agrees With Me"

I am going to try and coin a new phrase - "High WORM" - a mixture of "High Broderism" and WORM (What Obama Reallly Meant.) Jon Meacham, Mr. Center Right hisself, shows us how it is done:

[I]f Obama governs as he ran—from the center—then there will be disappointed liberals and conservatives. The left may feel somehow cheated, and the right, eager to launch perpetual assaults on the new administration, could well find Obama as elusive and frustrating as the opposition found Reagan.

Hmmm. Reagan was a Centrist was he? Good to know. But seriously, what Meacham is saying is that Obama agrees with him. Never mind Obama's actual proposals - I defy you to find even one mention of Obama's statements on his plans for the country (and I could have sworn I saw a whole 30 minute infomercial broadcast nationwide a few days before the election, not to mention the standard Obamabot line - "check his website') - Mr. Center Right knows what Obama really meant. Just remember the rule - no matter what, progressives always lose.

By Big Tent Democrat, speaking for me only

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Pundits Pushing Center Right Nonsense

CNN pundits roundtable already trying to hijack the Democratic landslide - saying that they have to move right. Carville asks why are they analyzing and telling Dems how to govern and how in blazes they can say, when Republicans have lost 14 Senate seats, 55 House seats and the Presidency, that this is a Republican country? Begala backs Carville up.

Amazing how stupid the pundits are. Unfortunately I expect the Dem leadership will be just as stupid. The blogs want a job now? Push back against this BS.

By Big Tent Democrat, speaking for me only

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Late Night: We Are At the Crossroads

Bruce Springstseen for Obama in Cleveland yesterday, singing The Rising. "We are at the crossroads." Below, Jackson Browne and For America [More...]

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A Nit

Not the biggest deal but I hate silly stupid stuff whether its the Media or the blogs. In this case it is a twofer. Both the normally solid NYTimes reporter John Harwood and MYDD blogger Todd Beeton forward the idea that Barack Obama is outperforming Bill Clinton among white voters. Harwood writes:

In last week's New York Times/CBS News poll, Mr. Obama drew 44 percent support among whites -- a higher proportion than Bill Clinton captured in his general election victories.

More . . .

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The New O'Reilly

Now beyond parody, Keith Olbermann. Good gawd. Does NBC have no shame anymore?

This is an Open Thread.

The thoughts on Olbermann are solely my own.

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"Thirteenth Amendment" Wins CNN i-Film Grand Jury Award

The winner of CNN's first iReport Film Festival Grand Jury Award has been announced. You can watch it above or in wider format here.

This documentary short follows a 90 year old great-great grandmother on her trek to vote for Barack Obama in the 2008 Pennsylvania Primary. Having voted all her life, this is the first time she's had the opportunity to vote for a Black man for the office of President of the United States.

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Democrats, Progressives And The Media

Greg Mitchell asks:

I think that at least the groundwork has been established for powerful, even possibly semi-radical, reform to get a fair hearing from the media, and the public, in the years ahead. What happens after that hearing--who knows?

Not if actual progressive ideas are not championed by Democratic (as opposed to progressive) bloggers. For example, in extolling this Las Vegas newspaper column, Markos misses the Progressive forest for the Democratic trees. Even his mild criticism of the article misses the point in some respects:

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Congrats to Amy Poehler and Her New Son

Saturday Night Live's Amy Poehler gave birth Saturday afternoon to a healthy 8 lb. 1 oz. baby named Archie Arnett.

Congratualtions to Amy and her husband, Will Arnett, and to baby Archie, Welcome to the Planet Earth.

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Late Night and Early Birds: Running on Empty

John McCain and Sarah Palin are running on empty. All we need to do is get our side to the polls to vote next week and they'll be finished.

Jackson Browne is playing here in Denver next week, he's one of my all time favorites.

Some things I'm reading tonight:


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SNL: Bush Endorses McCain/Palin

In case you missed the Thursday edition of Saturday Night live last night, it was pretty funny.

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Differing Realities

liburro points us to this in last weekend's NYTimes magazine:

“If voters are similarly polarized and if they’re seeing two different realities, a Sean Hannity reality and a Keith Olbermann reality, then we’re not going to be able to get done the work we need to get done,” Obama said.

He said it, I didn't.

By Big Tent Democrat, speaking for me only

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Olbermann Destroys Drudge

It is a matter of record that I am not a fan of what Keith Olbermann has become. It might interest some to know that I was actually one of the first bloggers (when I FPed at daily kos in 2005) to notice that Olbermann was successfully employing a counter Fox programming idea that many of us, Atrios most prominently, had suggested to the other cable networks (this was when Tweety still saved his tingles for George W. Bush.) The early Olbermann was not Obama's O'Reilly as he is today. Back then, he was more like Rachel Maddow is now.

One fairly predictable result of the success garnered by Olbermann (besides making him a lot of money) is the diminishment of Matt Drudge's influence. Eric Boehlert writes:

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