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Monday Morning Open Thread

The 11 Show, starring me, will discuss tonight's debate.

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Sunday Morning Open Thread

Sooo, HOW ABOUT THEM GATORS!!!!!!!!!!!

I woke up this morning, and my thoughts returned to politics and, I thought, maybe I'll watch the Sunday shows. So I went to see who would be on, Atrios:

Face the Nation has Rubio, Kevin NotJohn Madden, Stephanie "I Will F[*]ck Your Shit Up" Cutter, Nooners, Sangers, Kleiners, Dickensoners

This Week has that asshole Rahm, Rubio, Debbie W-S, America's Pastor Ralph Reed, Van HitlerStalinPolPot Jones, Greta Van, Matty Dowd.

Meet the Press has AN EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW WITH RUBIO MUST CREDIT MEET THE PRESS, America's sweetheart Rob Portman, Zombie Dee Dee Myers, Zombie Mike Murphy, The Moustache of Understanding, Helene Cooper.

Really? I mean really? Sanger, ok. But Ralph Reed, Peggy Noonan, The Moustache, Mike Murphy? Is this freaking 1996? They were terrible then and they are terrible AND irrelevant now.

So no, I'll watch Newcastle-Sunderland instead.

Open Thread.

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Saturday College Football Open Thread

Many "investments" today (2 units unless otherwise indicated):

Baylor +9 over Texas, Miami (Florida) +21 over Florida State, Penn State +3 over Iowa, Alabama (-20) over Tennessee, Oklahoma -35 over Kansas (3 units), North Carolina -10˝ over Duke (5 units), Notre Dame -14 over BYU, Navy -3 over Indiana, Tulsa -22 over Rice, Kentucky +27 over Georgia, Louisville -6 over South Florida (4 units), Michigan State +9 over Michigan, TCU +2 over Texas Tech (5 units), UNLV +28 over Boise State, Bowling Green -18 over Massachusetts, Temple +4˝ over Rutgers (3 units), Purdue +19 over Ohio State (3 units), Virginia Tech +8˝ over Clemson, Stanford -3 over California, Northwestern +7 over Nebraska (3 units), Wisconsin -17 over Minnesota, Army -3 over Eastern Michigan, LSU -3˝ over Texas A&M, Northern Illinois -17 over Akron, Maryland +3 over North Carolina State (4 units), Iowa State +14 over Oklahoma State (4 units), Boston College +14 over Georgia Tech (4 units).

Late edition - South Carolina +3 1/2 over Florida. Nonetheless, GO Gators!

Open Thread.

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Thursday Night Open Thread: The Ties That Bind

Staying with today's theme.....an open thread, all topics welcome. (h/t to Ruffian.)

Update: President Obama is on the Daily Show tonight. Among the topics: Libya.

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Thursday Open Thread

Do voters really want a return to the politics of yesterday and mores of the 1950's?

The 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals has affirmed a lower court ruling that DOMA is unconstitutional.

They [the judges]found that gays and lesbians are entitled to heightened protection from the courts, based on the history of discrimination the group has suffered.

"Homosexuals are not in a position to adequately protect themselves from the discriminatory wishes of the majoritarian public," Judge Dennis Jacobs wrote for the majority.

The evangelical producer Dinesh D'Souza of "2016" resigned from Kings College today due to his affair with a woman not his wife. He brought her to a family values conference last month, introducing her as his fiance. He hadn't even filed for divorce yet.

This is an open thread, all topics welcome.

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Wednesday Afternoon Open Thread

A blog note. The thread in the last post got a little testy and uncivil. I'm not going to delete it, but, I note that, myself included, violated site rules in that thread and we will have no more of that from any of us, myself included.

Yes the election is close at hand, we're all nervous and testy, but unlike the Presidential Debates, we will follow our rules here.

Starting . . . NOW!

Open Thread.

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Wednesday Morning Open Thread

I'll be back today flying solo on Daily Kos Radio from 11 to noon Eastern today. Discussing the debate.

How to Listen to Daily Kos Radio:

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Open Thread.

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Tuesday Afternoon Open Thread

I'm too nervous to blog about anything. I will do a live blog of tonight's monumental presidential townhall debate.

Talk amongst yourselves until the debate tonight.

Open Thread.

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Tuesday Morning Open Thread

I'll be back today flying solo on Daily Kos Radio from 11 to noon Eastern today. Discussing tonight's debate.

How to Listen to Daily Kos Radio:

Can't see the Flash player? Click here to download the stream directly.

Open Thread.

Here is yesterday's show (skip the first minute, technical difficulties):

The 11 Show October.15.2012 by Netroots Radio

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Monday Afternoon Open Thread

If you love Bill Murray (and I do), you have to love this:

The next time you instantly erase 114 minutes of your life by getting sucked, once again, into the vortex that is a cable viewing of Road House, rest assured that Bill Murray and his idiot brothers are out there somewhere, watching with you. At least that’s the story from Road House co-star Kelly Lynch, who, in a frankly awesome interview with The A.V. Club, says that Murray calls her husband, Mitch Glazer (co-writer of Murray’s 1988 Christmas Carol redux Scrooged), whenever the movie is on TV during one scene in particular:

Every time Road House is on and he or one of his idiot brothers are watching TV — and they’re always watching TV — one of them calls my husband and says [In a reasonable approximation of Carl Spackler], “Kelly’s having sex with Patrick Swayze right now. They’re doing it. He’s throwing her against the rocks.” [Away from the receiver.] What? Oh, my God. Mitch was just walking out the door to the set, and he said that Bill once called him from Russia.

Open Thread.

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Monday Morning Open Thread

I'll be back today flying solo on Daily Kos Radio from 11 to noon Eastern today. Discussing THE WEEK of the campaign.

Also this and this article on Obama and Clinton. Tune in today. I think you'll like it.

How to Listen to Daily Kos Radio:

Can't see the Flash player? Click here to download the stream directly.

Open Thread.

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Sunday Morning Open Thread

A moment of silence please, for the season of the New York Yankees, who won't be winning their 28th championship this year, and lost their captain, Derek Jeter, to a fractured ankle last night.

A sigh of relief for the Florida Gators, who survived a lackluster performance at Vandy to keep their season record perfect at 6-0. Next week, an angry South Carolina team coached by the greatest Florida Gator, the Old Ball Coach hisself, Steve Spurrier. A scary game for the Gators.

Finally, while I do not delve too much in to picking NFL games (too much variable in effort from these teams imo), I have to say that I think the 49ers (-7) over the New York FOOTBALL Giants seems like a terrific investment opportunity. The Giants have been lackluster all year. The 49ers are still fuming over their loss last year in the playoff game and Harbaugh is insane. Take the Niners, lay the 7. I expect a blowout. (My personal investment here will by 5 units.)

Open Thread.

POSTSCRIPT - Why not much on the state of the Presidential race? Because everything you might read, think or hear today will be overwhelmed by the most anticipated second Presidential debate since 1984 (when America wanted to know if Reagan was senile (he was, but everyone decided to pretend he wasn't cuz he got off that practiced one liner about Mondale"s "youth and inexperience.")) Whatever you read now is pointless. After Tuesday night we'll have an idea where we will stand in the race.

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