
Sunday :: March 01, 2020

Biden's Sliver of a Path Forward

I keep seeing news articles about record turnouts in South Carolina. More people may have voted but the state hardly deserves praise. The state has 3.3 million Registered Voters and only 16% (500,000 of them) voted in yesterday's primary. 256k voters picked Biden, 105K picked Bernie, 60k chose Steyer, 48k picked Pete, 27k chose Warren, and 16k chose Amy. Biden got 44% of the votes.

In 2016, 371,000 Dems voted in the S.C. primary, and Hillary got 272,000 votes (57%).So notwithstanding lower turnout in 2016, Hillary got more votes than Biden did. Bernie got 96k votes, while this year Bernie got 105k votes, showing that Bernie brought out 20% of the vote on his own.

No one is mentioning the Latino vote which overwhelmingly has gone to Sanders so far. Or that in California alone, 25 million people are eligible to vote on Super Tuesday. Texas has 15 million eligible to vote. These two states have the largest number of Latino voters. [More...]

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Saturday :: February 29, 2020

Joe Biden Wins South Carolina, Who Cares?

The New York Times reports Joe Biden has been declared the winner of the South Carolina primary.

In second place right now is Tom Steyer, who spent $18.5 million on ads in the state. Then Bernie and Elizabeth. Then Amy and Pete.

More important than Biden, Sanders and Bloomberg, all of whom will be 78 by January, is who they would pick as their running mate. There is certainly no second term for any of them. [More...]

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Tuesday :: February 25, 2020

South Carolina Democrat Debate

Update: 6:55 pm MT: Bloomberg is doing better thant last time so far. There are so many cheers for him I wonder whether he paid to fly them all in. Example: Bernie complains that Bloomberg and Trump are billionaires. The crowed boos!

It's Bash Bernie night. Bloomberg claims no moderate Republicans will vote for Bernie. Bloombert

Elizabeth has a plan for education. Amy is doing better than Elizabeth and Pete B. [More...]

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Tuesday Open Thread

I'm busy at work today, no time to read the news yet. Here's an open thread, all topics welcome.

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Monday :: February 24, 2020

Harvey Weinstein Acquitted on Most Serious Counts

Harvey Weinstein was found guilty of one count of a first degree criminal sex act against Miriam "Mimi" Haley and one count of third degree rape as to Jessica Mann. He was found not guilty of the more serious predator sexual assault charges for which he could have received a life sentence. The reason for the acquittal on the top two charges: The jury did not believe Annabelle Sciorra's 30 year old account of what Weinstein did to her.

The first degree criminal sexual act charge carries a penalty of 5 to 25 years in prison. The third degree rape charge is punishable by anywhere from probation to up to 4 years.

In order to convict him on the more serious sexual predator charges, the jury would have had to have believed Annabelle Sciorra that he raped her 30 years ago and with respect to Jessica Mann, that he had committed the more serious first degree rape charge against her. That they acquitted him on all three of those charges is a testament to the work by his defense team.


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Saturday :: February 22, 2020

Nevada Primary and Reader Poll

Nevada is voting today. Bernie Sanders seems to be the favorite. I'm still sitting on my mail ballot, waiting for a epithany to tell me who to vote for.

Here's a short poll.

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Thursday :: February 20, 2020

Roger Stone Sentenced to 40 Months

Judge Amy Berman Jackson sentenced Roger Stone today to 40 months in prison.

  • COUNT 1 - 40 MONTHS
  • COUNT 2 to 6 -- 12 MONTHS
  • COUNTS 7 -- 18 MONTHS
    all to run concurrently*

Stone will remain free, at least for now while she still has a motion for new trial pending. (His motion for new trial based on the supposed juror misconduct issue was roundly denied by the Judge last week. Here is a copy of the Order.

The Government today seemed to back off its revised sentencing memo a bit by agreeing with the judge that some enhancements applied. Still, the sentence she imposed was inline with the Government's lower revised sentencing memo.

There's a lot of talk that Trump may pardon Stone if Judge Jackson does not grant his subsequent motions for new trial.

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Wednesday :: February 19, 2020

Dems and Bloomberg Debate in Las Vegas

The Democrats and Mike Bloomberg will debate tonight in Las Vegas. Tom Steyer will not as he failed to qualify. It will air on NBC and MSNBC.

Everyone expects Bloomberg to be a major focus of the debate. I think it would be more fun if the moderators just didn't call on him so he got little air time. I'd like to see the Dems on stage ignore him as well, treating him like the interloper he is.

Of course that is not happening. Elizabeth Warren just blasted him. Amy Klobuchar is self-obsessed. She answers every question talking about herself.

Bloomberg "I can take out an arrogant con-man like Donald Trump". [More...]

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Tuesday :: February 18, 2020

Trump Grants Clemency to Rod Blagojevich, Pardons Bernie Kerik

It's a big pardon day for Donald Trump. He commuted the 14 year sentence of former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich who has served 8 years, and pardoned former junk bond king Michael Milken (who served 22 months and was released in 1993) and former NYC police chief Bernie Kerik (convicted of tax fraud for which he served 3 years of his four year sentence).

I wrote about the Blagojevich trial extensively and have always believed his 14 year sentence was unduly severe.

In 2010, Bernie Kerik reported to prison to serve a 48 month sentence for 48 month sentence for crimes related to under-reporting the value of renovations on a personal residence and making false statements on his Homeland Security application. (He had been nominated for Chief of HHS by his former buddy Rudy Giuliani).

Trump also pardoned a former NFL guy I never heard of who backed one of his fundraisers and former junk bond king Michael Milken (famously perp-walked while Rudy was Mayor).

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Wednesday :: February 12, 2020

Wednesday Open Thread

Here's a new open thread, all topics welcome.

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Dems Move On to Nevada and South Carolina

The New Hampshire results are in. Bernie won by a sliver. Pete B. came in second and Amy K. third. Then Elizabeth Warren, then Biden.

Sen. Michael Bennet and entrepreneur Andrew Yang have dropped out. Warren is staying in. Joe Biden is lagging and sagging, but trying to hold on, believing people of color in South Carolina will resurrect his campaign. [More...]

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Tuesday :: February 11, 2020

New Hampshire Votes

New Hampshire began voting at midnight. Joe Biden has already left for South Carolina. Sanders is expected to win. How will Amy and Pete do? Or Elizabeth Warren? Is Andrew Yang finished? It looks like all the media wants to write about is Bloomberg.

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